Jekyll is a simple tool to create a static blog-aware website starting from plain text files. A blog post may be a simple mardown file with the date in the filename. Jekyll is the recommended tool for hosting a blog on a Github Page.

This post is about publishing a new article into this blog.

  • First of all, you need a github account and access as a developper into the Gricad organization. Please, contact either Bzizou, Alpitux or Ltavard.
  • Clone the gricad/calcul repository: git clone
  • To create a new article, simply create a new file into _posts. You can check the other posts to get examples. The filename must start with the date in the format [YYYY-MM-DD].
  • Commit your changes and push into the master branch to get your post published.
  • It’s better to test and check before commiting, so, follow this help page or this post if you are using Nix.

Shortly, for testing:

  • Install ruby if not already installed
  • gem install bundler
  • cd <repository_of_the_blog>
  • bundle install
  • bundle exec jekyll serve
  • You can create drafts into _drafts (optionnaly with a publish date in the futur) and watch the drafts with: bundle exec jekyll serve --draft --futur